Metalwork Merit badge / Blacksmithing Experience
Each merit badge class is 1.5 hours to easily fit into your regularly scheduled meeting or a merit badge fair.
Personal Protective Equipment, Anvils, hammers, steel, and snacks are provided.
The Flate rate is $250 for 1 - 5 scouts
6-8 scouts $50 a head
The date and time should have been discussed before proceeding
Each merit badge class is 1.5 hours to easily fit into your regularly scheduled meeting or a merit badge fair.
Personal Protective Equipment, Anvils, hammers, steel, and snacks are provided.
The Flate rate is $250 for 1 - 5 scouts
6-8 scouts $50 a head
The date and time should have been discussed before proceeding
Each merit badge class is 1.5 hours to easily fit into your regularly scheduled meeting or a merit badge fair.
Personal Protective Equipment, Anvils, hammers, steel, and snacks are provided.
The Flate rate is $250 for 1 - 5 scouts
6-8 scouts $50 a head
The date and time should have been discussed before proceeding